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City Fios conduct surveys across the Wholesale Banking marketplace into facets of our specialist area of sales revenue tracking.

This has been driven by regular requests from clients as to “what do our peers do about this….”. We believe that – faced with a landscape of increased regulatory pressures, narrowing margins, and a need to reduce the cost of sales – our market space would benefit greatly from shared information on how your peer institutions handle key issues. Surveys:

  • Deal with a key focus area for the industry
  • Minimise the amount of effort required – online forms taking no more than 15 minutes.
  • Preserve anonymity with individual answers while also being transparent in terms of participants and peer groups
  • Provide results in a focused format clearly showing the overall marketplace and your positioning in it.

Once participants have completed the survey we have a short meeting/call with each participant to take them through their own personalised results versus normalised overall responses.

If you are interested in having your Institution partake in one of our surveys please get in touch >

Survey topics include:

Measures & uses of sales dataHow do you measure and record client and sales value?
How do you then report and use this data?
Sales MI usage in the Transfer Pricing processHow is client/sales management information used within your organisation to support transfer pricing calculations and reports?
Regulatory use of Sales MIHave you seen an increase in regulatory interest in sales management information, and if so how has this changed the way in which you collate and report sales value?
Coverage attribution methodologiesHow do attribute transactions to the sales, coverage and structuring staff involved in transactions?
Sales budgeting within overall business planning frameworkHow do you develop and agree sales targets, and how is this co-ordinated with other business planning processes?