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  • What is Client Revenue Tracking & Sales Management Information for Investment Banking?

    Investment Banks need to consistently and accurately measure the value added across various bank dimensions. It aids in understanding revenue sources, evaluating performance, and identifying growth opportunities. FIOS is a best in breed system integrated with efficient business processes which City Fios use to provide Investment Banking personnel with the data for this purpose.

  • Why is FIOS crucial for wholesale banks?

    This data provides insights into various banking operations, enabling informed decision-making. They help banks gauge individual and team performance, track progress towards strategic goals, and comply with regulatory requirements.

  • How can I evaluate the performance of sales personnel?

    FIOS can pinpoint top-performing salespeople by assessing how their sales revenue is derived, i.e., from which client, sector, or trading desk. It can show trends in performance and identify real value add by sales staff.

  • What is 'share of wallet' in client areas?

    ‘Share of wallet’ refers to the portion of a client’s business that a bank captures compared to its competitors. FIOS can provide insights into a bank’s share of wallet in its core client areas.

  • How can I project the revenue impact of hiring new personnel?

    By analysing historical data and current trends, FIOS can estimate potential revenue from new hires, ensuring a return on investment.

  • What opportunities exist for generating structured product revenues?

    Banks can identify areas with strong flow revenues but minimal corresponding structured revenues, indicating potential opportunities to create high-quality structured product revenues from existing relationships.

  • So for instance what might a manager in a FICC division use it for in assessing Investor clients?

    FIOS can identify active investor clients in a given market, such as a specific sector, asset class, or country of risk and show performance trends such as major growth clients in the last 6 months and significantly declining clients in the same period.

  • How can I derive insights from trading operations?

    FIOS can break down revenues by region, product traded, client domicile, and sales location. It can also differentiate between client flow and proprietary trading.

  • How do compliance and regulatory requirements tie into FIOS?

    FIOS can provide regulators with detailed breakdowns of client revenue, including client country, EMIR classification, and individual trade components like margin, CVA, and hedging costs.

  • What challenges are commonly faced in Client/Sales MI in investment banks?

    Banks often grapple with system/data issues, such as consolidating data from diverse systems. Methodological challenges include disputed revenue attribution and double-counting of revenue. Debates between sales and trading on the value of “sales credits” are frequent. Process issues might involve manual data manipulation and multiple partial solutions. Additionally, balancing knowledgeable staff with repetitive tasks can be a challenge.

  • How can banks overcome the challenges associated with managing Client/Sales MI?

    We believe a best of practice system supporting multiple data driven calculation and attribution methodologies is key. Combined with excellent support processes this results in data that allows business heads and business managers to focus on value-added usage of client and sales management information.

  • Why the name “City FIOS”?

    Fios is a Gaelic word meaning both “Information” and “Knowledge”. And the City of London – our base – is a major Wholesale Banking Financial centre. Hence we believe City Fios is a good name for what we do and FIOS is a great name for our product!